That Dog-gone Easter Bunny!

Today I decided to get on my TSFL Habits of Health Call. If you are my client and you don’t know what the TSFL Habits of Health Call is. Call me immediately!
As I sat through the call memories of days past began to rush to my mind. And an invigorating desire to laser focus burned into my head. I am down a total of 20 lbs. in five weeks and am ready to kick it into high gear! But before I do that… I wanted to discuss how I survived Easter weekend and still lost two pounds.
On Easter my husband and I volunteered to host since we are both on plan we wanted to make sure we had FULL control of the situation. We planned to grill and our contribution was the meats and a vegetable. Our family brought their usual delectable treats. My sister in law, what looked to me like the best FREAKIN carrot cake EVER! My mother in law brought perfectly garnished deviled eggs and her to die for signature corn flake crusted potato casserole. But the most intriguing of all was the kids THREE, yes THREE Easter baskets. At first glance, they seemed harmless. Toys, swim suits, cute spring play clothes… As the piles of cute stuff continue to be thrown up in the air in excitement the girls find the true prize… Candy! 3 whole pounds of candy I CONFISCATED from those baskets. As soon as the baskets were dismantled my first action was to grab zip lock bags and a large empty bag. Each of my children got a hand full of treats in a zip lock (I can’t completely ruin their Easter) and they were able to store the prized chocolate bunnies in the fridge for the strategic bites throughout the week…. (What kind of mom would I be if I took that away from them?) The entire time I separated that candy out of the stat icky Easter grass all I could think of was shoving several of those jelly beans, malted chocolate eggs and oh yes, mini Reese’s peanut butter cups in my mouth!! But I refrained. The rest of the confiscated candy was immediately put in a bag and sent directly to my husband’s office where it could be enjoyed by others. I was so proud! During Easter I had two tuna burgers no buns a grilled vegetable and I chewed up and spit out a bite of the carrot cake… What was I thinking??? Well at least I spit it out! I lost two pounds on Easter Week and all I can think of is everything I WOULD have eaten had I not been on TSFL. Carrot cake, unknown amounts of candy, burger and hot dog buns, deviled eggs with MAYO in them, my kids chocolate bunny and who knows what else. The feeling of getting through that holiday

Knowing I WAS in control was extremely rewarding.
I feel like I am continuously learning new things that will continue to make my journey to health a long term success.
“Make every day count!”
